About Journal

Journal of Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications

Publishes quality original research papers, review articles and applied Articles in applications of discrete mathematics that are of the highest possible quality. The journal is naturally multidisciplinary and welcomes submissions across biological, physical, chemical, engineering, algebraic chemical graph theory, combinatorics, and computer sciences. Contributions from both academia and industry are equally encouraged. Research papers and review articles are selected through a normal refereeing process by a member of the editorial board. It is intended that the journal may act as an interdisciplinary forum for publishing mentioned papers. Papers published in this journal must have a clear connection to the above area with non-trivial mathematics.

The Journal of Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications(JDMA) is a bipublication of the Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University in English. JDMA is an Open Access Journal. Open Access is a publishing model that provides immediate access to the full text of papers without requiring a subscription to the journal. The publication costs for non-Iranian authors of JDMA are covered by the Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University.

Country of Publication: I R IRAN

Publisher: Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University

Press Print Copy Provider: Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University

Format: Print & Online

ISSN: 2981-0809(Online)

DOI: 10.22061

Available from: Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University.

Advance Access: Yes

Language: English 

Article Processing Charges: yes(Subject to change)

Types of Journal: Academic/ Scholarly Journals

Open Access: Yes

Indexed & Abstracted: Yes

Policy: Peer-reviewed Review

Time: Eight Weeks Approximately

Contact & Submission e-mail: jdma@sru.ac.ir

Alternate e-mail: mghorbani@sru.ac.ir

         The authors have to use the new JDMA Style for the final preparation of the accepted manuscript.


Please quote this journal as: J. Disc. Math. Appl.