Scientific cooperation Ashrafi–Gutman

Document Type : Special Issue of JDMA in the Memory of Prof. Ali Reza Ashrafi


Department of Chemistry


Ali Reza was my friend. I firmly believe that this friendship was mutual. In my long academic career, I had scientific cooperation with numerous colleagues (more than 800), but very few of them where my friends.
 Somewhere in the first years of the present century, I noticed that in Iran there is a mathematician producing remarkable results in Mathematical Chemistry. Soon we got in touch, soon we started to do joint research, soon Ali Reza became member of Editorial Board of our “MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry” (where he published a total of 43 contributions). Eventually, we met on many mathematical chemistry conferences held in Iran, when I experienced the unforgettable
Iranian hospitality. We also met on a couple of conferences in Dubrovnik, Croatia, on one of which Ali Reza was elected member of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry (to what I contributed a bit).

Graphical Abstract

Scientific cooperation Ashrafi–Gutman


Main Subjects

[1] G. H. Fath–Tabar, A. R. Ashrafi, I. Gutman, Note on Estrada and L-Estrada indices of graphs, Bull. Cl. Sci. Math. Nat. Sci. Math. 139 (2009) 1–16.
[2] G. H. Fath–Tabar, A. R. Ashrafi, I. Gutman, Note on Laplacian energy of graphs, Bull. - Acad. Serbe Sci. Arts, Cl. Sci. Math. Nat., Sci. Math. 137 (2008) 1–10.
[3] A. Ghalavand, A. R. Ashrafi, I. Gutman, Extremal graphs for the second multiplicative Zagreb index, Bull. Inter. Math. Virtual Inst. 8 (2018) 369–383.
[4] A. Ghalavand, A. R. Ashrafi, I. Gutman, New upper and lower bounds for some degree–based graph invariants, Kragujev. J. Math. 44 (2020) 181–188.
[5] I. Gutman, A. R. Ashrafi, On the PI index of phenylenes and their hexagonal squeezes, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 60 (2008) 135–142.
[6] I. Gutman, A. R. Ashrafi, The edge version of the Szeged index, Croat. Chem. Acta 81 (2008) 263–266.
[7] I. Gutman, A. R. Ashrafi, G. H. Fath–Tabar, Graphhay ham energy [Equienergetic graphs], Farhang
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[8] I. Gutman, A. Ghalavand, T. Dehghan–Zadeh, A. R. Ashrafi, Graphs with smallest forgotten index, Iran. J. Math. Chem. 8 (2017) 259–273.
[9] M. Hakimi–Nezhaad, A. R. Ashrafi, I. Gutman, Note on degree Kirchhoff index of graphs, Trans. Comb. 2(3) (2013) 43–52.
[10] M. H. Khalifeh, H. Yousefi–Azari, A. R. Ashrafi, I. Gutman, The edge Szeged index of product graphs, Croat. Chem. Acta 81 (2008) 277–281.
[11] H. Khodashenas, M. J. Nadjafi–Arani, A. R. Ashrafi, I. Gutman, A new proof of the Szeged–Wiener theorem and a new characterization of block graphs, Kragujev. J. Math. 35 (2011) 165–172.
[12] H. Shabani, A. R. Ashrafi, I. Gutman, Geometric–arithmetic index: An algebraic approach, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai Chem. 55 (2010) 107–112.
[13] H. Shabani, A. R. Ashrafi, I. Gutman, On revised Szeged index of graphs, Util. Math. 95 (2014) 281–288.
[14] H. Shabani, A. R. Ashrafi, I. Gutman, B. Furtula, On extensions of Wiener index, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 69 (2013) 589–596.
[15] M. Tavakoli, F. Rahbarnia, M. Mirzavaziri, A. R. Ashrafi, I. Gutman, Extremely irregular graphs, Kragujev. J. Math. 37 (2013) 135–139.
[16] Z. Yarahmadi, A. R. Ashrafi, I. Gutman, First and second extremal bipartite graphs with respect to PI index, Math. Comput. Model. 54 (2011) 2460–2463.
Volume 8, Issue 1
In memory of Prof. Ali Reza Ashrafi
June 2023
Pages 1-3
  • Receive Date: 24 January 2023
  • Revise Date: 03 February 2023
  • Accept Date: 16 February 2023
  • Publish Date: 01 March 2023